
Meet the form that does it all (and looks good doing it)

Capture, engage, and convert your audience with Typeform. It’s fast and free to get started.

95% of users get more data, more easily after switching to Typeform

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World-class user experience

Typeform responds to previous answers to show only the most relevant questions, just like a real conversation. A better experience for respondents = better data for you, presented in clear reports and metrics.

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Your brand at its best

Choose from hundreds of free templates or start from scratch: you control how your typeform looks by customizing fonts, colors and buttons. Plus pick from thousands of images and videos—or use your own.

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Awesome results, minimal effort

Typeforms are quick and easy to build: set up and share a beautiful form in minutes. Use Integrations to automatically send data wherever you want it. Zero coding or onboarding needed.

Typeform fits seamlessly into your workflow with 120+ integrations to your favorite apps

Google Sheets

Google Sheets









Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel

Get inspired

Check out what some of our users are achieving

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Have you met our sister brand, VideoAsk?

VideoAsk lets you interact face-to-face with your audience, using short video chats. With easy embed, link sharing and even automatic transcriptions, it’s never been simpler to get personal — at scale.

Ready to make something amazing?